[RPQI] Recruitment Information

This is where you can find the server and script information, our server rules, and feature documentation.
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Paleto Bay Roleplay
Paleto Bay Roleplay
Paleto Bay Roleplay
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:55 pm


Becoming a member of Paleto Bay Roleplay's Roleplay Quality Improvement Team (or "RPQI") is one of the many options you have to help us out here at Paleto Bay Roleplay and make us one of the best communities out there! The jobs of a member of the team include but are not limited to:
  • Engaging with the community and thinking of server-wide events to host.
  • Creation, drafting, and editing of server media/trailers as well as various roleplay standards and server lore.
  • Managing properties on the server as well as creating and maintaing a proper economy for the players on the server.
The requirements to be considered for the team are as follows:
  • You must be able to read and write English to an exceptional standard.
  • You must be a team player, you are apart of a larger team to ensure the smooth function of the factions on the server.
  • Experience is expected from the people who submit interest for the team, not just submitting interest on your first day here!
  • Exceptional server record, meaning that you must be in good standing with the staff and community in general to be considered for the team.
  • Tremendous understanding and comprehension of roleplay and what it entails and what should not be done within to maintain a proper environment as well as property management and economy management.
If you feel like you've been here long enough and want to lend a helping hand then feel free to use the format below (private message it to Caomhnóir) to be put into consideration for the team should positions be open:

Code: Select all


[b]Current Age:[/b]
[b]Why are you interested in becoming a member of Roleplay Quality Improvement at Paleto Bay Roleplay:[/b]
[b]Do you have any experience in this type of role in another community? If so, please explain the experience you possess:[/b]
[b]Please elaborate on your roleplay experience in general in the sector you've chosen, regardless of platform and why you'd be a good fit here:[/b] 